How has LiteSpeed’s Free Starter License changed your domain? Tell us your story and be entered to win an upgrade to a Site-Owner-level license!
“HTTP over QUIC” is now “HTTP/3” and LiteSpeed Technologies has become the first to operate a functional HTTP/3 server! This news and more from IETF 103.
Introducing New Licenses for LiteSpeed Web Server, including one FREE option! All licenses now come with LSCache included.
The latest release of LiteSpeed Web Server brings PHP Detached Mode, Node.js support, CRIU, enhancements to Brotli and gzip compression, and more!
Do you use WAF (Web Application Firewalls) to protect your sites? Our guest blogger, Lucas Rolff of Hosting4Real shares his experiences using Apache vs. LiteSpeed WAF.
We teamed-up with Svend Gundestrup to generate a series of new scientifically-proven benchmarks using one of his Joomla sites in Denmark.
Learn which query strings you can ignore, and how to configure LSCache to drop them.
Beginning in July 2018, any sites still using HTTP will be marked as “not secure” in Chrome. LiteSpeed Web Server supports HTTP/2 and QUIC, so you’re covered.
LiteSpeed Web Server is event-driven and Apache is process-based. A coffee shop analogy explains what that means and why you would prefer one over the other.