LiteSpeed Web ADC 3.0 is the first proxy to support HTTP/3 connections with the backend server.
We implemented DPLPMTUD in our web server products and we see significant performance advantages.
LiteSpeed Supports ECC SSL certificates, and ECC generation is now a feature in the user-end cPanel plugin.
Comparing the capabilities of two popular WordPress Cache plugins: LiteSpeed Cache vs. WP Fastest Cache.
Integrated support for bubblewrap by Flatpak will be added to forthcoming versions of LiteSpeed Web Server and OpenLiteSpeed.
We are pleased to present this LiteSpeed Cache for WordPress v3 FAQ to answer all of your LSCache and QUIC Cloud questions.
LiteSpeed’s powerful ESI Nonce functionality allows you to fully cache WordPress nonces and the pages they belong to.
So you’ve downloaded the LiteSpeed Cache for WordPress plugin, installed it, and activated it. Now what? Let us show you.
Goal: Determine whether any performance gain can be achieved with XDP …