QUIC.cloud DNS provides better integration with the CDN, gets accurate geolocation for your visitors, and speeds up your site!
I don’t want to appear hemispheric. – Lars Eggert (taking back his claim that April of next year it will be “spring.”) I participated in IETF …
LiteSpeed Web Server provides an alternative to Apache’s Header edit set-cookie directive: ForceSecureCookie
LiteSpeed Web ADC 3.0 is the first proxy to support HTTP/3 connections with the backend server.
We implemented DPLPMTUD in our web server products and we see significant performance advantages.
LiteSpeed Supports ECC SSL certificates, and ECC generation is now a feature in the user-end cPanel plugin.
Comparing the capabilities of two popular WordPress Cache plugins: LiteSpeed Cache vs. WP Fastest Cache.
Integrated support for bubblewrap by Flatpak will be added to forthcoming versions of LiteSpeed Web Server and OpenLiteSpeed.